Friday, January 14, 2011

Myth: I'm stressed because my job is stressful

The Myth: My job is stressful. Therefore, I’m stressed.

The Tip: Replace danger messages—“I can’t stand this; I’m going to die; I have finish all this work; This is like a 10.0 earthquake” with messages of safety and you will be in control of your stress levels. Insuring that “no matter what happens, your worth is safe with me” will create inner safety and will eliminate more than 80% of your stress.
Try, “This is not the end of the world. Regardless of what happens I won’t make you feel bad” as you exhale with ”It’s only a 3.0 earthquake.”

The Truth: External stress is a fact that will cause your body to react with stress hormones, but you can learn to control for how long and how deeply you are impacted.
True, your job may be stressful, poorly managed, and impossible to complete during normal and healthy working hours. But unless your job involves being shot at and running into burning buildings, most likely, you are inflicting the stress by self-threats such as You have to finish, You should have, What’s wrong with you?
See Articles for a Centering Exercise that shuts off stress within 30 seconds.
For coaching:

Sunday, January 09, 2011

Myth, Tip, Truth

The Myth: I can’t change. That’s who I am.

The Tip: Link your current self-defeating, depressive behavior to a corrective action using “If- Then” mental rehearsals.
“If I feel this way [and usually end up in the same old place, doing the same old behaviors] then I will focus on one small step I can do now to improve the situation.”

Example: If I eat a whole bag of cookies, breaking my New Year’s Resolution once again, then I will walk for 15 minutes and throw away any remaining sweets.

The Truth that underlies it all: your brain needs clear images of what to do to achieve your goals: When you will start; Where you will start; on What you will start. You body can’t be in the imaginary future where your goals always are. Your brain and body need a clear time and place to focus on starting.
Research shows that your brain learns very quickly when you make a link between the If [the feeling or event that tends to side-track you] and the Then [the corrective action you will take to move closer to your vision, your mission, and your higher values.
You can change your behavior and significantly improve your odds of achieving your goals by giving your brain clear image of when to start. As a side-benefit you may change as well.

Watch for more on Myth, Tip, and Truth from Dr. Neil Fiore at newsletter, on Twitter @neilfiore, and Facebook, Neil Fiore

Next event: Jan. 23rd, Sunday at 4pm PST Book signing of The Now Habit at Work, The Now Habit, and Awaken Your Strongest Self at Book Passage, Corte Madera, CA